Jul 9, 2019
Kita St. Cyr is one of the hardest working women in New York City burlesque, sideshow, and nightlife, Kita St. Cyr produces multiple shows. Known as The Caramel Cutie with the Apple Booty, Kita hosts Undercover at Gemini & Scorpio, and recently (after this conversation) took over Dr. Sketchy's NYC.
... topics: gogo to glitterbox, sense of movement, growing up in salsa clubs, retro pinup model, Kita Panda, swing revival, a gothy Jessica Rabbit, this is my martini glass, Rhinestone Follies, porn karaoke, just wanting to watch, backstage camp counselor, Carmen Miranda oversimplification, racial ambiguity, exotica, queerness on stage, male gaze, gritty for the sake of gritty, neo vs classic, emotional narrative, stumbling into fire, wanting to do everything, fire eating, fire fans, choreographing fire, levi wand, Starfire, fire tassels, studying with Satan's Angel, passion, hosting, talking about sex, the vortex, Lip Service, natural gabber
... shoutouts: Dr. Lucky, Doe Deere, Perle Noire, Gigi LaFemme, Nasty Canasta, Beelzebabe, Hazel Honeysuckle, Albert Cadabra, Bastard Keith, Nelson Lugo, Patrick Wall, Nati Amos, Sage Sovereign, Sweet Pea, Satan's Angel, Bambi Galore, Bettie Blackheart, Lady Monster, Bunny Galore, Fancy Feast, Shelly Watson
... recorded: October 20, 2018
... notes: learn about Satan's Angel's documentary at http://www.satansangelmovie.com
... music: "On a 45" This Way to the Egress (thiswaytotheegress.com); Used with permission - download it on Amazon today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DY68WX2/ ... "Semi-Funk" "Just Nasty" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ ... shop our merch: http://weburlesque.com/shop ... support us on patreon: https://patreon.com/weburlesque ... see us live: http://www.weburlesque.com/upcoming-shows ... follow us: @weburlesque @viktordevonne on instagram and twitter; @kitastcyr on instagram ... talk to us: https://www.facebook.com/groups/157673948280099